Rental Properties Alpine, TX
Poco Reata Properties LLC

Poco Reata Properties, LLC is a locally owned and operated housing rental company. We have many types of rentals including duplexes, apartments, and individual homes and all of our properties are located in Alpine, TX. We have been in business since 2005, and we currently have 54 rental units.
Famous Heights
1600 W Eagle Pass
1104 W Stockton
1605 W Uvalde
How It works?
We Want to Help You Get Into Your Dream Rental Property in Alpine, Texas!
If you would like to browse all of Poco Reata Properties, you can look at them on our Rentals page, or you can checkout our properties that are available now. Please contact us for more information on anything you are interested in, or to be put on a waiting list.
Poco Reata Properties LLC

Mailing Address
P.O. Box 2554, Alpine, TX 79831

Phone Number

Business Hours
Monday – Friday 9 am – 5 pm